Spec86 Cup https://spec86.com Tue, 29 Dec 2015 23:44:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://spec86.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/cropped-86logo-1-150x150.jpg Spec86 Cup https://spec86.com 32 32 2016 April 9/10 GL Season opener – Gateway International Raceway https://spec86.com/gl-region-season-opener-gateway-internal-raceway/ https://spec86.com/gl-region-season-opener-gateway-internal-raceway/#respond Tue, 29 Dec 2015 23:44:35 +0000 http://163racing.com/?p=130 gateway-international-raceway-track-map Gateway International Raceway
700 Raceway Blvd
Madison, IL 62060

This is combined event with the central region and will be the inaugural event for the Great Lakes Spec 86 CUP season. We will have 3 new Spec 86 cup cars there together with some 86 friends from the South East region. Should make for quite a showing.  To register our find out more, check here

https://spec86.com/gl-region-season-opener-gateway-internal-raceway/feed/ 0
Whisky Hill Race report – Mike Pasian https://spec86.com/whisky-hill-race-report-mike-pasian/ https://spec86.com/whisky-hill-race-report-mike-pasian/#respond Sun, 27 Dec 2015 20:40:35 +0000 http://163racing.com/?p=50 Another great weekend of Spec86 Cup racing with 2 of the folks who were willing to take a chance on road racing these cars. They had a blast battling it out last weekend. Thanks to Adam Mouradian and Rick Goryeb!

Round #3 of the Spec86 Cup will be battled out this coming weekend at Palmer MotorSports Park in MA with NASA Northeast!

Going into this round our top two competitors Rick Goryeb and Adam Mouradian are neck and neck in points so every second will count!

If you are in the area be sure to come see them battle it out on Whisky Hill!

https://spec86.com/whisky-hill-race-report-mike-pasian/feed/ 0
3 New racers joining the series https://spec86.com/hello-world-2/ https://spec86.com/hello-world-2/#comments Sun, 27 Dec 2015 18:17:54 +0000 http://163racing.com/?p=1 Starting in April we should see 3 new Spec86 cup cars and drivers in the NASA Great Lakes region. First Gateway International Racewaywill be Gateway International Raceway.


Marcel Berkhout will be converting his car from SCCA Touring 4











Stefan Stefanov is converting his TTD car to Spec 86 CUP

Jay Sargent will be converting his street BRZ to a “Breezy Motorsports” Spec 86 CUP



https://spec86.com/hello-world-2/feed/ 1